Corporate Signature Initiatives
Strategic partnerships are an effective way to provide added value to a company’s overall marketing strategy and bottom line. We assist clients in developing and identifying cause related marketing initiatives to promote good corporate citizenship and enhance brand association. This fully integrated approach maximizes brand identity by leveraging the appeal of compatible products and services.
Entertainment Marketing
The urban market is heavily influenced by music, movies, fashion and sports. And contrived marketing efforts stand out like dated trends that are “not happening.” We develop cross-promotional opportunities in the entertainment and sports industries for our clients that come across as authentic, current and relevant – because they are. The result is significantly enhanced brand positioning.
Social Media
We offer Social Media strategies that provide value creation so your brand out front on all the major social network platforms including Twitter, FaceBook, You Tube, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn and Google +. We also utilize Web and Mobile across the digital landscape.
Marketing + Strategic Planning
When it comes to creating “heat on the street,” we don’t miss a beat. We work closely with our clients to craft and implement cutting-edge campaigns that resonate with the target audience and deliver measurable results.
Advertising + Media Relations
Capturing the attention of the media and public requires skill and contacts. We have both, with a team of media relations experts that can successfully “pitch” and place news stories locally, regionally and nationally. Our media buyers have experience in placing print, television, radio and web-based advertising that will maximize your advertising budget. We give our clients access to a frustratingly elusive media target using a mix of time-tested techniques and innovative initiatives. Integrated with marketing and event platforms, our media strategies give our clients a “front and center” competitive advantage in reaching a complex multicultural audience.